ONDA Studio is a recording studio located in Imperia (IT), a few steps far from the sea. Francesco Genduso is the main sound engineer of the studio and he offers recording services, digital and analog mixing, mastering, live recording.


After his high school studies, in 2011 he decides to enroll at the Conservatory of Cuneo in the course of Electronic Music with an address of Sound Engineer. For the following 3 years he attends the conservatory studying with professors and sound engineers in the music industry, including Carlo Rossi from Transeuropa Studio, Fabrizio Barale from Piave 34, Marti Jane Robertson. He also participates in several masterclasses managed by the Conservatory, where he meets professionals in the sector both nationally and internationally, such as Marco Migliari and Antonio Baglio.
In 2015, after graduating, he became assistant of the Igloo Audio Factory studio in Correggio, with which he established a relationship with the local music scene.
In 2016 the construction of the ONDA Studio began, to become fully operational in May 2017.
In February 2018 he participates in the Mix With the Masters seminar at the La Fabrique studio, supported by Sylvia Massy, with whom he establishes an excellent friendship. In August 2018 he goes to Dresden at the Castle Rhòrsdorf and he works as an assistant for Sylvia Massy for several recording sessions.
In the period between March and April 2020 he takes care of the restoration of the studio, increasing the instrumentation and rearranging what is now the new ONDA Studio.